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3 Tips for a Perfect Wedding Morning Timeline

There are so many factors that go into a wedding timeline. Everything must go according to plan, and if the morning has a hiccup it will unfortunately push back the entire day. So here are a few tips to avoid any timeline stress and start the day off with a bang!

  • 1. The time you need to be in your dress and the time you need to be finished with your hair and makeup are not at all the same. When I'm creating a schedule for the bride and bridal party, the first question I ask is "What time do you need to be finished?" And so often the time I am given is the time their photographer needs them in their dress. This creates chaos and stress for both the bride and the artist. The biggest piece of advice I can give is to always add in extra time. I like to finish an hour before it is time to put your dress on. This hour will fly, but it gives a small buffer of time to fully soak it all in, have a snack, have a private moment alone or with your mom, pee, take some pj pictures, and just be present for the last few moments as a Ms.

  • 2- Have your detail box for your photographer already packed. When the photographer arrives, there are a few things they need to be able to start their job and 9/10 times you are the only one that can help. I can't tell you how many times a bride has been pulled out of the makeup chair to frantically grab things for the photographer. This interruption, even if it's only for a few minutes, will throw off your artist and your timeline. Popular items to keep in a bin for your photographer are: vow books, jewelry, perfume, rings, save the date card, copy of the invitation, and shoes, all in one bin so when the photographer arrives you can have a bridesmaid easily handle that

  • 3- Have your dress, veil, and bridesmaid's dresses steamed the night before. This is for a few reasons, one being no one wants to deal with that during the getting ready process! This is the time for breakfast, mimosas, and dancing in your pajamas with your best friends. The other reason is steam with seriously f*ck up your hair and makeup. I've seen girls steam dresses in a tiny bathroom, then come out and their foundation is just sweating off. So when your hair and makeup team has to redo their work because they weren't prepared and prepped for you to stand in a sauna, this will make everyone run late.

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